Concrete floor grooving
SIA ATTOR is the only provider of concrete floor grooving in the Baltics according to the Trakrite Global methods.
The construction company SIA Attor offers the most effective floor grooving solutions, which have been tested and recognized by owners of cow farms in North America, Oceania and Europe.
In grooving concrete floors, Attor uses the patented methods MINI GROOVE 20®, MINI GROOVE 26® and DEEP GROOVE® of the North American company Trakrite Global.
Properly grooved floors contribute to:
the cow's daily comfort and mobility while moving through the aisles
reduces the risk of injuries, nail wear and damage caused by them

Ventilation solutions
SIA ATTOR is the official representatives and product dealers of Abbi-Aerotech in Latvia!
We are now able to provide our customers with effective full-service ventilation solutions in barns - project development, installation of Abbi fans and after-sales maintenance and service.
Heat stress causes disturbances in the body functions of cows, resulting in reduced animal welfare and poor animal health.
Healthy cows form the basis for stable farm income
improve the well-being of cows with a modern ventilation system
it is possible to install the most suitable ventilation solution for every barn
45,620 m²
Grooved concrete floors
Improved farms in the Baltics
Years of experience in construction

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